Monthly Memberships
We are not using our application system. If you would like to do a membership, you must first take a six week class first. We find this helps members become better oriented in the space and establish a connection with the community. We currently have very high demand.
Membership at Gnarware is a rental agreement with an automated month-to-month payment schedule. Membership must be paid each month as long as you have items in-house. Even if you don’t use the studio for a period of time during your membership it is your responsibility to pause/cancel your membership. Much like a gym membership or storage unit.
As a member, you receive the following:
First come first serve use of equipment and tables
(Except during class times when classes have sole access to the room. Check the calendar for availability)
24/7 access to the studio
Clay per lb @ $2.50
Includes firing, underglaze, and glaze. $3.00 for porcelain and specialty bodies. 240, 266, and 112 are our regular clays, Others can be ordered through Standard upon request.
Outside clay is discouraged. Outside clay must be approved by a studio technician. The member is responsible for paying for the glaze and firings of any outside clay.
Individual shelf space.
(Sizes range based on availability. The smallest size is 18” x 18” x 18”)
Additional storage in staff-approved locations
15 studio-made dipping glazes
12 Shimpo and Laguna Pacifico pottery wheels
Wall-mounted extruder with various die plates
Slab Roller
Membership begins the first day you begin payment, and payment is withdrawn that day each month.
$125 / month rate should be made through our website’s automated month-to-month payment schedule. We no longer accept Venmo for membership payment. Cash/card is negotiable. The membership can be paused when you switch to classes.
We will only give refunds after you have removed your items from the building. If you end your membership we will refund up to five days after the automatic payment date if items are off your shelf and out of the building. If you request a refund 6-10 days from your automatic payment date and have removed your items from your shelf we will issue a half refund. We will not process refunds requested after 10 days of the automatic payment date.